Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tips for an Easy and Successful Family Move

When making a move to a new neighborhood, there are a multitude of uncertainties that come with being in unfamiliar territory. There are feelings of uneasiness, stress, and even thoughts of whether or not you’ve made the right choice. To help ease in the moving process, True Homes in Charlotte suggests the following three tips for settling into a new community.

Be Open

With moves come many changes. Family members may become angry or saddened when they think of potentially losing close relationships and friendships they have built in the over the course of their lives. One way to help your family adjust to living in a new neighborhood is to let each family member discuss their feelings, whether positive or negative, about the move. Make sure to listen and respect each one’s feelings even if they do not reflect your own—be responsive and empathize with everyone.

Spread Positivity

Emphasize the positivity of the prospective move to your family. When entering a new community, it’s important to highlight the new surroundings for your children, as well as educating them on the possibility of learning about new cultures, and meeting new friends. Teach them that new learning experiences come in all shapes and sizes, and that this move will not be a negative life changing experience. Help them understand that even though they may not be a part of their former sports team or clubs, it doesn’t mean they don’t have the opportunity to enjoy all the same activities, only in a new and exciting environment with new journeys and fresh faces.

Take for example, turning the following negative worry into a positive scenario: if little Suzie is saddened that she will not be living next door to her best friend with whom she has frequent sleepovers with, let her know that friends are forever in our hearts and that they can always call each other, write letters and even visit one another other.


When actually reaching the new destination, spend family time getting to know the new surroundings. Become aware of the positive and exciting opportunities that you’re new town and neighborhood has to offer. Go on adventures as a family exploring new streets, restaurants, walking trails and any other activities that you enjoyed in the old neighborhood. Make sure to show each family member that the same activities can be enjoyed in the new neighborhood as well.

At True Homes, we believe that making a move shouldn’t be a time of negativity, but should reflect new hopes and aspirations. To learn more about our homes offered in Charlotte or Charleston, please visit our website at or call (704) 937-2307 to speak with one of our representatives directly.

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